Really Free: The Radical Art of Nellie Mae Rowe


Really Free: The Radical Art of Nellie Mae Rowe


1999, The Washington Post, “Her Imagined Treasures”

Article in the Washington Post by Jo Ann Lewis titled Her Imagined Treasures: Folk Artist Nellie Mae Rowe Had Little to Work With, but She Was Driven to Create. In the Arts section, June 20, 1999. Features Rowe's work At Night Things Come to Me.
Article in the Washington Post by Jo Ann Lewis titled Her Imagined Treasures. The second page is titled A Folk Artist at Once Naive and Knowing. Features Rowe's artworks Untitled (Peace), Nellie Mae Making It to Church Barefoot, Real Girl, and Pig on Expressway.

Lewis, Jo Ann. “Her Imagined Treasures: Folk Artist Nellie Mae Rowe Had Little to Work with, but She Was Driven to Create.” The Washington Post, June 20, 1999, Arts. Courtesy of the Nellie Mae Rowe Archive, High Museum of Art, Atlanta.